Government of Tamil Nadu issued Direct Recruitment Notification for vacancy of TRB Lecturers (Senior Scale)/Lecturers Senior Scale (Pre-Law) for Government Law Colleges 2013-2014.
Name of Vacancy
Vacancy Code
Number of Vacancies
Lecturers |
| Above 16000+ AGP 7000/- |
Age of Relaxation
BC, BCM, MBC, SC, SCA and ST candidates, as on 1st July 2014, the should not be over 57 Years, as the age of superannuation is 58 Years. For other candidates, the age should not be over 40 Years.
Selection Process
- Competitive Written Examination
- Interview
Education Qualifications
(Senior Scale) |
(Senior Scale) Pre-Law |
Examination Fees
Rs. 300/- for SC/ST and Differently candidates, other candidates Rs. 600/- in any Branch of the SBI/IOB using only the prescribed challan attached with the prospectus.
How to Apply
The application obtained from 11/08/2014 to 26/08/2014 in person on payment of Rs. 100/- in cash towards the cost of the application Form and Prospectus. Eligible candidates are advised to submit the filled-in forms to the same college from where the application are obtained, on or before 26/08/2014 up to 5.00 p.m.